
Out Front Theatre Company is a 501c3 non-profit organization and the health of the company depends on support from patrons just like you!
All donations are 100% tax deductible, and greatly appreciated! No gift is too small because it truly takes a community to make the arts thrive and grow.
We thank you beyond words for your support! We wouldn’t be here without friends like you!

Dorothy – $5,000 +
- Includes all of the below plus additional benefits designed to fit your personal interests (i.e., ticket donations to a charity of your choosing, invited meals with the producing artistic director, etc.)

Blanche – $1,000 – $2,499
- Includes the below plus:
- Invitation to VIP sneak peak and opening night parties
- Two full season ticket packages

Sophia – $500 – $999
- Includes the below plus:
- Two friends and family discount codes for every main stage show

Miles – $100 – $499
- Includes the below plus:
- One-time discount code when using the Noble app at our bar for each main stage production

All perks are on a request-only basis. Restrictions apply and are subject to change
Donation Listing
Donations made between July 1, 2024 – October 16, 2024.
Out Front Theatre Company is a 501c3 non-profit organization. The health of the company depends on support from patrons just like you! All donations are 100% tax deductible and greatly appreciated! No gift is too small because it truly takes a community to make the arts thrive and grow.
We wouldn’t be here without the support of the friends listed below and we would LOVE to add your name to our list of supporters!
Hal Brody & Don Smith
Jay Reynolds & Michael Barnett
Rob Dean & Rob Epstein
Mitch Brown
Robbie Medwed
Bojan Beganovic
Brad Bernstein
Brandon & Scott Hunt
Christine Abbeduto
Christopher Harris
Curt Stamp
Daman Shuman
Daniel Hollifield
Dominic Milanese
Eli Huven
Howard Yorek
Ivette & Kelcy Lopez-Freeman
Jim Anderson
Maria Adams
Michael Shutt
Steven Berman
Abby Mathier
Abril Romero
Adam Parker
Alan Brown
Amy Dunning
Amy Marland
Andrew Cuomo
Anne E Hayden
Anthony Donofrio
Austin Alexander
Bailey Scott
Benjamin Bradshaw
Bethany Gilreath
Bill Byrne
Boyd Beckwith
Bruce Garner
Burton Peebles
Cain Sanchez
Casey Brown
Cate Bell-Kelly
Celenia Toledo
Charles/Rommel Davis
Chris Lugo
Christi Dunlap
Christi Harrold
Christopher Thompson
Corinne+ Weintraub
Cortland Russell
Danielle Le Jeune
Danny Harper
David Bearse
David May
Dietrich+ Fisher
Dominic Lawson
Donald Spencer
Dorothy Travasos
Douglas Futch
Drew Smith
Drue Smith
Dylan Michael
Edward Gaulrapp
Emily Swan
Eric Hicks
Erica Beckelhymer
Erin Russo
Evelyn Orenbuch
Faraz Ahmed
Felicia McAleer
Hannah Dunn
Hersh Chopra
Hilary Miller
Hudson Powell
J Scot Kelly
Jacob Bean
James brunson
Jason Girod
Jazmyn Snelson
Jeannie Collins
Jeff Waller
Jennifer Smith
Jeremiah Lawson
Jeremy Gant
Jessa Driscoll
Joey Detenber
John Nay
Jon Robert Santos
Jordan Bailey
Jori Mendel
Joseph Marutollo
Joseph Sequeira
Josh Brall
Josh Pitre
Justin Long
Kara Crawford
Karen Geraci
Karen Wilkins
Katherine Williams
Kathleen Honer
Keith Whitson
Kelly Tonina Cooper
Ken McNeil
Keri Carruthers
Kevin McClelland
Kimball Cochran
Kimberly Murray
Kristen Silton
Kyle Armstrong
Laura Hackman
Lauren Rich
Leandro Zaneti
Lina Lane
Liz Weiler
Logan Bakken
Luciana Aquino
Mackie Obando
Malik Brown
Marc Humbert
Mareena Mitchell
Margaret Dawe
Maria Alvarez
Mark Spieler
Markus Shipley, Director RSM
Martin Jerome
Matt Garrett
Matthew Bartel
Matthew Gatcombe
Megan Crites
Megan Freeman
Melanea Alvarez
Melissa Ivey
Melissa Miller
Michael Baker
Michael Marolla
Michael McGill
Natalie Hogg
Pam Smith
Paul Beauchamp
Paul Brightbill
Paul Entis
Rebecca Leary Safon
Richard Pennington
Richard Vitaris
Richard Williams
Robert Childs
Robert Givens
Robin Newberg
Ronald Trible
S Flaviur
Sandy Mollett
Sarah Burzynski
Scott Goodlett
Scott Phelan
Sebastian Ohm
Seth Miller
Shaun Seliger
Shawn Bauer
Shoshona Le
Steven Igarashi-Ball
Stewart Singleton
Sue Miller
Susan Nedvidek
Susan Stiefel
Trent Anderson
Vinnie Metzger
Wayne Snipes
Whitney Johnson
Whitney Musyoka
William Edwards
William Hansen
William Munden
William Seright
Yasmin Hashi
Aaron Gotlieb
Abby Smith
Abi Sneathen
Adam Miller
Advaita Krishnan
Alec Beard
Alena Fletcher
Alex Duncan
Alexander Austin
Alexa Romero
Alissa Koontz
Alvonice Spencer
Amanda J Hackett
Amanda Witt
Amy Robertson
Amy Toale
Andi Monroe
Andrea Volin
Andrew Berardi
Andrew Dempster
Ariela Freedman
Ashleigh McDonald
Atarius Armstrong
Austin Kunis
Austin Walker
Ben McNair
Benito Maldari
Benjamin Goldberg
Brandon Browning
Brazil Remani
Brenda Cobb
Brendan Wilson
Brent Burke
Brentney Boyd
Brett Bramble
Brett Newman
Breya Marolt
Brittany Loffert
Caleb Rohrig
Candace Weslosky
Carla Dockery
Caroline King
Caroline Pilewski
Carolyn Hausman
Carran Schneider
Carrianne Crawford
Carrie Miller
Catie Hancock
Caty Bergmark
Caulder Smith
Charlene Burnett
Charles Meacham
Charles Miller
Charles Palmer
Charles Swint
Cheri Folds
Chrisi Dunlap
Christine Fitzgerald
Christopher McKnight
Christopher Ruiz
Claire Bolton
Clayton Jolley
Cliff Trammell
Cody Bradley
Cole Chase
Corey McAllister
Courtney Adcock
Dan Sun
Daniel Bringman
Daniel Dunlop
Daniel Sanpietro
Daniel Weller
Danny Lewis
David Aurilio
David Clark Stuart
David Ellis-Mendoza
David Saitta
David Silverstein
David Starr
David Wallace
David Welniak
Davide Fossati
Deb James
Debra Lankenau
Derek Robinson
Devin Barnard
Dixon Bartlett
Donald Mead
Donna Reed
Douglas S. Rice
Doyle Reynolds
Dr. Elijah Nicholas
Dray Graham
Edward Davis
Elaine Sweatman
Elizabeth Hall
Elizabeth Toledo
Elliott Folds
Emma Heath
Emma Smith
Eric Luedtke
Eric Mitchell
Eric Nabeth
Erin Barksdale
Evan Vihlen
Everett Murphy
Felicia Seamon
Frank Slaymaker
Frank Wrenn
Gabrielle Claiborne
Gabrielle Williams
George Bergmark
Gilbert Dominguez
Gina DeLise
Grace Davenport
Greg Barnard
Gregg Melton
Gregory Grossman
Gwen Melkonian
Heather Staniszewski
Heather Curtin
Hilary Heyerdahl
Hodan Hussein
Hope Clayborne
Hugh Simons
Huiling/Sharon Zealey-Chen
Ian S Rumbles
Jack Mackim
Jackson Smith
James Herndon
James Macknik
Jared Walli
Jason Ahmed
Jason Arnold
Jason Morley
Jeb Williams
Jeff Cooper
Jeffery Hunley
Jeffrey Lewis
Jeffrey Shirley
Jenna Quesnot
Jennifer Bird
Jennifer Palange
Jennifer+ Carter
Jess Stewart
Jesse Hancock
Joe Hayek
Joey Woodburn
John Clinton Clark-Duke
John Goetting
John McGuire
Jonas Kalter
Jonathan McCarey
Jordan Alvarez
Jordan Helms
Joseph Normandin
Joseph Vella
Josey Swanberg
Joshua ONeal
Julia Collins
Kaleb Flores
Karin Stern
Karyn Corell
katherine Riddick
Kathleen Honer
Keith Johnson
Kendra Barfield
Kenneth Cantrell
Kenneth McNeil
Kevin Arbona
Kiaosha McGoughy
Kristin Neff
Kristy Towry
Kurt Wackerly
Lance Aldredge
Lane Hall
Larry Holbrook
Lauren Nosanov
Laurie Cronin
Lena M Corrado
Lois Wolf
Louis duPont
Lydia E. Vinosky
Mariah Isbell
Mark King
Markesha Dunham
Marshmallow Cofer
Matk Corsale
Matthew Mascaritolo
Melanie Bliss
Melissa Daniels
Meredith Bennett
Meridith Zelaya
Michael Capparelli
Michael Carrillo
Michael Holman
Michael Kincaid
Mike Gardner
Mikkos Slappey
Morgan Curtis
Mylea Biggiani
Natalie Renfro
Nathan Blankenship
Neil Hediger
Nia Heard
Nick Sparkman
Nick Winkler
Noam Zelman
Nyeasia Rogers
Oliver Spirito
Parker Reeves
Peter Bjerkerot
Peter Tyler
Peter White
Philip Schuster
PJ Mitchell
Rachel Kinrade
Rachel Linz
Rachel Owens
Randi Stillman
Rebecca Fields
Regan Gainey
Regeana Campbell
Reji Corbett
Rick Wang
RJ San Jose
Robert Fralin
Robert Moyer
Robert Neff
Robert Piacentino
Samuel Johnson
Sandra Love
Sarah Engelhardt
Sarah Flake
Sarah Kody
Scot Prudhomme
Scot Seitz
Selicia Simmons
Sherrill Moss
Stephan Pennington
Steve Keuper
Steve Parker
Steven Luttrull
Steven Miller
Susanne Salehi
Talesha Johnson
Tamer Barsbay
Tanya Johnson
Ted Sladovich Jr.
Thomas Flake
Tim Bosch
Tim Bresnahan
Tim Pelkey
Tobin Hagler
Tom Sands
Toni Rose Deanon
Torai Sekiya
Travis Robinson
Tyler Christensen
Van Goodwin
Vicki Tucker
Von Grubbs
Wade Jones
Wade Smith
Wendy Reeves
Zane Williams